Posts filed under ‘You Probably Already Know’

Joshua and Me

It is interesting to me how little I actually know or was unaware about the Bible.  I have been reading in the Book Of Joshua and I am surprised by a lot of the things that I read in this book and how applicable it is to my life (and probably yours).  So I have decided to do a quick “series” of Joshua of things that I’m learning in this book and hopefully it will help you as much as it has helped me and how we can all learn to be like Joshua but truly more like ourselves (there is only one Joshua and there is only one Nate, so I am striving to be more like me and no one else).

Part 1:  Imagine following in the foot steps of one of the greatest leaders of all time?  Maybe Abraham Lincoln, Caesar, Alexander the Great, Billy Graham, (random I know) etc… and you had to carry on the mission that these leaders based their whole life on.  What would your emotions be?  Awfully and terribly scared!  Joshua had to follow the footsteps of Moses!  Yea, I know!  The guy who parted a large body of water, who hit rocks and water came out, who came down from a mountain with stone tablets of one of the most influential writings ever written (twice)!!  Everyone who followed Moses, seemed to love him.  So how are you to follow that?!

The LORD knows the position He put Joshua in and that’s why he had to hold the fetal positioned Assistant to Moses and say, “Be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

I am often in the fetal position in life and to think that I (we are) am God’s plan to do His will is an awful plan, but the only way I am encouraged is to read this passage and to look at what happens after that with Joshua.

August 14, 2008 at 12:24 am Leave a comment



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